
Monday, January 12, 2015

Pride, Prejudice & Secrets Blog Tour

Hey Everyone! I'm very excited to be part of the Pride, Prejudice & Secrets Blog Tour! C.P. Odom has a new book coming out and it looks fantastic! Can't wait to read this one! Today, Mr. Odom has stopped by to answer a some questions I asked him! Also, Meryton Press is giving away a couple of copies of Pride, Prejudice & Secrets!! You can find that information at the bottom of this post! 

I want to thank Candy for hosting me here at So Little Time... as part of the Pride, Prejudice, and Secrets blog tour.  Since she gave me several interesting questions, I’ll get right to them.  

1.  Her first question was, “Are there any juicy tidbits of information you can give us about this “secret”? Haha!”  To start with, there is not just a single secret involved in the plot.  As those who have read Pride and Prejudice intensively remember, there are a number of very voluble and intense confrontations in Austen’s novel that result in very frank and very painful reactions and subsequent outcomes.  For example, while Elizabeth Bennet challenges Darcy with having thwarted the hopes of both her elder sister and George Wickham, her most hurtful charge was that he had not behaved in a gentlemanlike manner.  To Darcy, to be insulted in such a manner would have been unprecedented in his life, especially to have received the charge from someone so dear to him.  If the reader has read the back blurb for my novel, they will know that Elizabeth finds herself unwittingly engaged to Darcy and in such a manner that this explosive confrontation does not occur.  If she subsequently decides, for reasons good or bad, not to break the engagement (remember that engagements were difficult to break among the upper classes in the Regency), would there be any reason for her to make such hurtful charges to the man she is to marry and live with for the rest of her life?  Or would she keep her secrets?  Further, since the confrontation at the Parsonage didn’t occur, how would Darcy ever learn that he had been mistaken in his assumption of Jane Bennet’s indifference to his friend Bingley?  I had in mind the point of view that often another word for “frankness” is “cruelty.”  Remember Lady Catherine, who thought that her “character has ever been celebrated for its sincerity and frankness.”  The rest of us would likely have a contrary opinion, that some opinions are better kept unsaid.

2.  “What inspired you to write this particular story?”  Many P&P variations have played around with the idea of Elizabeth Bennet accepting Darcy’s first proposal at Hunsford, and I did have a long-dormant plot bunny that did indeed have that as a premise, along with a number of ramifications resulting from the non-occurrence of the fiery Parsonage confrontation, many of them based on what might occur if many of the charges hurled at Darcy (and those he hurled back) remained unsaid.  The problem was that I had tried and rejected a number of possibilities as to how such an unlikely situation might come about.  I remember seeing one story a long time ago where the word “yes” just popped out of Elizabeth’s mouth, a premise hard to swallow.  So that plot bunny was in my list of plot bunnies that would probably never see the light of day, until one evening when I was having a rambling, left-brained engineer discussion with my elder daughter, who is following in her dad’s footprints and studying computer engineering in college.  A news story was on the TV about some health scare when Mikaelie made the idle comment that she wasn’t worried, since she doesn’t get sick.  Bingo!  Suddenly I remembered that obscure plot bunny, and, since my laptop was close at hand, I quickly had the file open and was nodding in excitement at how my daughter’s comment might provide a rationale for how Elizabeth Bennet might wind up with everyone believing she was engaged to Darcy (including Darcy himself).  An Elizabeth who had never really been sick before might well do something unwise (like coming downstairs instead of remaining in bed).  She might also, in a blurry haze from her fever, might give a nod acknowledging what Darcy had said when he offered marriage (in a very brief few sentences, without any of the hemming-and-hawing in P&P), which Darcy could easily interpret as acceptance.  So that was what got me started writing this novel.  I even give mention in my dedication to my daughter’s contribution to the story line.

3.  “Sounds like a high angst level story, would you say so?”  Compared to Consequences?  Naa!  There’s some stress and strain associated with that day at Hunsford, but my own opinion is that Darcy was never close to being as bad as Elizabeth thought him to be.  He needed instruction, and that, the proper choice of wife might give him, either harshly as in P&P or more subtly and gently as in my novel.  I guess I’m not really giving anything away when I reveal that the two lovebirds eventually come to a proper understanding, and I leave hints that Darcy still retains some elitist tendencies at the beginning, which will require some time and gentle hints to correct.  But he always was an honorable man, and while a woman cannot totally reform and refine a totally disreputable oaf, she can modify certain of his bad habits.

4.  “What are your plans for future books?”  I still have all those plot bunnies, as well as four novel length stories that were previously published as fan fiction some years back.  Several of them would require considerable rewriting before they were ready for publication, but then I never thought Consequences would be published.  It was my most daring book, with all the angst involved (I’m not normally a high-angst person; I regard my glass as half-full rather than half-empty), so who knows?  In addition, I’m working on a plot that is partway between science-fiction and Jane Austen’s world, involving alternate realities, but that is in the very beginning stages of plotting.

In closing, I’ll just mention, in case it wasn’t clear from my previous comments, that Pride, Prejudice, and Secrets is a completely new novel, never before published in any form, fan fiction or otherwise.  It’s also longer than my other books, since I deal with several subplots, one of which I never thought to deal with:  The redemption of George Wickham.  I’ve killed him off in a couple of my stories and jailed him in a couple more, but I never thought to portray his rehabilitation.  The reader will have to decide whether I carry it off convincingly, along with a couple of other subplots I had fun with.  So, for those of you who do give PP&S a read, I hope you find it entertaining.

Thank you so much for answering my questions, Mr. Odom! You've intrigued me with the rehabilitation of George Wickham! Ooh! and an Austenesque Sci-Fi sounds interesting as well! 

I love the cover! 

Book Blurb:
“Seldom, very seldom, does complete truth belong to any human disclosure; seldom can it happen that something is not a little disguised, or a little mistaken.”
Jane Austen

It is always the completely unforeseen events that lead to the most unexpected consequences, and such is the case in this variation on Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. One of the crucial points in Austen’s novel is Miss Elizabeth Bennet’s fiery and passionate refusal and denunciation of the equally passionate but infinitely more repressed Fitzwilliam Darcy. What might eventuate if the robustly healthy Elizabeth falls prey to illness for almost the first time in her life just when Darcy comes to call? Bemused by her illness, she hardly comprehends what Darcy is asking, and her simple nod of acknowledgment is misinterpreted as acceptance of his suit by a joyous Darcy. By the time Elizabeth regains her health, it seems that every one of her acquaintance and many outside of it accept that she has become engaged to the last man in the world she would ever have considered marrying. Can she openly demand her engagement to the amorous but prideful Darcy be broken, a course fraught with hazards in the social milieu of Regency England? In a maelstrom of confusion, choices have to be made and disclosures closely considered. Elizabeth knows that nothing in her life will ever be the same, and the consequences will likely spread further than she can imagine.

Buy: Amazon
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FTC Disclaimer: Link to Amazon. I am an Amazon Associate. Should you purchase a copy of the book through the link provide, I will receive a small commission. Thanks! 

About C. P. (Colin) Odom:

By training, I’m an engineer, born in Texas, raised in Oklahoma, and graduated from the University of Oklahoma following a stint in the U.S. Marine Corps.  The next thirty-five years was spent as an engineer in Arizona with my first wife, Margaret, where we raised two sons before her untimely death from cancer.  Six years later, I married Jeanine, and we are raising our two girls that we adopted from China.  I have always been a voracious reader and collector of books, and my favorite genres were (and are) science fiction, historical fiction, histories, and, in recent years, reading (and later writing) Jane Austen romantic fiction. This late-developing interest was indirectly stimulated when I read my late wife's beloved Jane Austen books after her passing.  One thing led to another, and I now have three novels published:  A Most Civil Proposal (2013), Consequences (2014), and Pride, Prejudice, and Secrets (2015).  After retiring from engineering in 2011, I currently live in Chandler, Arizona with my family, two stubbornly untrainable dogs, and a quartet of very strange cats.  My hobbies are reading, woodworking (which helps with bookcases for all those books), college football (no NFL gladiatorial arenas for this citizen!), and Formula One racing (no NASCAR – at least they turn both ways in F1).

Connect with C.P. Odom

Blog Tour Schedule

1/4: Guest Post & Giveaway at My Jane Austen Book Club 
1/5: Review at Margie's Must Reads
1/6: Guest Post & Giveaway at Babblings of a Bookworm
1/7: Review at Diary of an Eccentric
1/8: Review at Wings of Paper
1/10: Review at The Calico Critic 
1/11: Excerpt & Giveaway at My Love for Jane Austen 
1/12: Guest Post & Giveaway at So Little Time…
1/13: Excerpt & Giveaway at Best Sellers and Best Stellars
1/14: Author Interview at Wings of Paper
1/15: Excerpt & Giveaway at Everything Books & Authors 
1/18: Review at The Delighted Reader
1/19: Guest Post at More Agreeably Engaged

~ ~ ~ GIVEAWAY ~ ~ ~

It's giveaway time! Meryton Press is generously giving away one paperback and one e-copy (Kindle or Nook) of 
Pride, Prejudice & Secrets by C.P. Odom! 
To enter fill out the Rafflecopter below and leave a comment!

Thank you, C.P. Odom, Meryton Press and Leatherbound Reviews!

  • One person will win a paperback of Pride, Prejudice & Secrets.
  • One person will win an e-copy (Kindle or Nook) of Pride, Prejudice & Secrets.
  • Open Internationally.
  • Last day to enter: January 19th, 2015
Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Please, leave a comment! We'd love to hear from you! Remember, to enter the giveaway you MUST fill out the Rafflecopter (shown above). If you need any help entering, email me! Just click on the icon at the top of the sidebar. Thanks! 


  1. This book is on my wishlist! I loved 'A most civil proposal', so I'm looking forward to reading P&P&Secrets!

  2. Hmm, yes, sometimes frankness doesn't serve and a rehabilitated Wickham is an interesting twist. Nice interview!

    *please don't enter me in the giveaway, Candy!

  3. This book is already on my wish list and I ave read 2 other books plus one fan fiction. - the redemption of Wickham - I will have to read this to see

  4. I am intrigued by this variation. I look forward to seeing how D& E find their happily ever after. Wickham and redemption?....Convince me. I have enjoyed your other books so this is definitely on my TBR list. Thank you for the giveaway.

  5. The redemption of George Wickham? Hummm.... It can be very interesting to read the development of that plot. Thank you for the giveaway.

  6. Hi All! I'm not going to flood your emails by replying to each of you! It looks like the redemption of Wickham has caught everyone's interests! I'm with you Becky! Convince me! Lol!
    If you haven't read any of Mr. Odom's books, you really should! I've enjoyed them.
    Ok, Sophia Rose! Thanks for stopping by! =)

  7. I am very curious to know more about this novel, especially about how Elizabeth faces her situation!!!

  8. I'm really looking forward to reading this book. I keep speculating on how many of the secrets come out and how many of them resolve themselves!

  9. I've read a few stories where Wickham has some sort of redemption... looking forward to see how you portray his redemption especially if you keep the Ramsgate incident in the novel! Can't wait to read your novel!

  10. I have thoroughly enjoyed your other books and am eagerly looking forwad to this one. Redemption for Wickham...hard to fathom, but possible. Looking forward to finding out what all the secrets are and how their resolutions come about.

  11. I like the idea of a redeemed Wickham, actually, so I'm curious how it will all come out. I've enjoyed all Colin's books & online fanfics (I'm in the middle of one right now :) so I'm eager to read this one.

  12. Looking forward to reading this one as I have enjoyed Colin's other books.

  13. I love Colin's writing, so this is definitely on my TBR list. The GW redemption is a new twist that I will be curious to see.

  14. Ginna says:

    Can't wait to read this!

    Guess I have to, though ...

  15. The redemption of Wickham? I've read so many JAFF stories where he is the villian that I've come to loathe his appearance in a story! I wonder if my prejudice against him can be overcome! I'll have to read this and see :)

    1. Brenda, I was wondering that myself! I have such a deep dislike for Wickham! This should be interesting!

  16. Candy - great post. Thanks!!!

    Colin - you are one very bad boy for leaving us in suspense. I'm probably not the only woman on the earth who hates it when someone tells me they have a secret and then doesn't share. It's mean/cruel/wicked/evil, but it's also the perfect way to get me to do what you want so I can find out. Thus, as soon as this baby is available I will get it for my Kindle and devour it. Shame on you for providing such intrigue and shame on me for falling for it.... again. (Tee-Hee!)

  17. Thanks so much for everyones comments! I haven't been feeling well, so I haven't kept up on my replies. Good luck to all! :)

    1. Hope you feel better soon Candy :)

    2. Thanks, Ceri! I am feeling better...just not 100% yet.

    3. So sorry that you have been under the weather. Hope things look up really soon.

  18. Pride, Prejudice & Secrets by C.P. Odom is now LIVE on #amazon

  19. I would definitely like to know if Elizabeth will go through with her marriage to Mr Darcy. If she does, how will she endeavour to change Darcy's opinion regarding Jane's partiality to Bingley and his views on her family. Will she ever learn the truth of Wickham's misdeeds and his near elopement with Georgiana?
