
Wednesday, September 6, 2017

What Are You Reading? ~ Sept. 6, 2017

* * Post contains affiliate links. * *

What are you Reading?  Let me know what your current read is, what you recently finish reading, and what you plan on reading next! 

Here's my list:

I'm currently reading The Journey Home by Karen M. Cox. This novella is a quick read! I'm enjoying hearing Georgiana's story. 

I put a pretty good dent in A Storm of Swords by George R.R. Martin. I'm halfway through now. It's still not much different than the show. I do like that I'm getting more details from the book though. 

Haven't finished anything recently.

What's next? I may reread 1932 by Karen M. Cox. It's been a long time since I've read it, and seeing little bits of Darcy and Elizabeth in The Journey Home has me wanting to read it again! I love the time period it's set in.   

Disclaimer: Links to Amazon. I am an Amazon Associate. Should you purchase a copy of the book through the link provided, I will receive a small commission. Thanks!

I'm linking up with This Week In Books hosted by Lipsyy Lost & Found.

And with Sam @ Taking on a World of Words

So, tell me, what are you reading? 


  1. The Journey Home is sweet.

    Right now, I'm listening to Red Sister by Mark Lawrence and I'm planning to start I Could Write a Book by Karen Cox next. :)

    1. Hello, Sophia Rose! Sorry for the delayed response. I've been so busy this week putting together blog posts! I overbooked myself this week. Yikes!

      Ooh, I hope you enjoy I Could Write a Book! I'm enjoying The Journey Home, but like a lot of novella's I feel like it lacks depth - although, I'm not finished yet! I haven't heard of Red Sister. I checked it out, and it looks good!
