
Tuesday, February 25, 2020

"1932: Pride and Prejudice Revisited" Blog Tour by Karen M. Cox ~ Excerpt & #Giveaway!

Hello, my friends! As some of you might know, Karen Cox has been re-releasing a couple of her older books. Today, we are looking at her book, 1932: Pride and Prejudice Revisited.  Below is an excerpt from the book and be sure to enter the giveaway! Details are at the bottom of the page!

Thanks for letting me drop in at So Little Time... today! 

I’ve been celebrating the release of the tenth-anniversary edition of my debut novel, 1932: Pride and Prejudice Revisited this month. The second edition has additional scenes, but today, I thought I’d post a short scene that I kept—and how could I not keep it? Mr. Darcy sings a few lines of Cole Porter’s Night and Day to our heroine…


     He stopped, holding the bottle in mid-air. “Listen.” He walked over to the radio and turned the volume up a little. Elizabeth heard the strains of Night and Day coming through the speaker. The music had a thin, tinny sound compared to the band’s live rendition at the Nashville jazz club. 
     William took the glass from her and pulled her up into a dancing embrace. He clasped her hand gently and moved her in small smooth steps. She was a little light-headed from the whiskey—just enough to let him guide her effortlessly around the parlor floor. His cheek rested against her hair, and she felt his warm, bourbon infused breath in her ear as he sang the words in a soft baritone.
     Elizabeth felt warm and tingly all over. She tried to pull away—a half-hearted move at best—but he only flattened his hand against her lower back and drew her closer.  
     There was a brilliant lightning flash, and the lights flickered once, twice and went out, surrounding them with a close, intimate darkness. William had stopped dancing when the music and lights went off, but still he held her, waiting. He pulled back as if to look at her, and his low, smooth voice sang the rest of the line, the lazy sound of it slowly covering her—like sugar cane molasses running down a bottle.
     The room was silent, and his mouth was coming closer to her, closer, closer. Then his lips were on hers—not tentative like he usually kissed her, as if she were made of glass—but confident and sure. Her hand slid from his, and she wrapped it around his neck, feeling the silky waves of his hair between her fingers. His lips slid over hers, drawing her lower lip between them. She gasped and he proceeded to plunder her mouth in rhythmic, devouring kisses. 
     Elizabeth had never imagined kissing could be like this. His kisses made her feel the way some of her dreams did—wanting something, just something—and then she always woke up gulping air, her skin on fire. She made a weak noise in the back of her throat and he broke away, resting his forehead against hers. 
     Breathless, she whispered, “William, the lights.”  
     “Will probably be off until tomorrow.” He led her to a cabinet by the stair, where he reached into a drawer and drew out a candle, a candle stick holder, and a book of matches. He struck the match, and it hissed—the smell of sulfur wafting through the air. A warm light threw shadows about the room and gave her husband a mysterious, intriguing appearance as he backed toward the stair, pulling her gently by the hand.
     “Come.” His husky voice seemed to emanate from all around her.


It almost seems too suave for our Mr. Darcy, doesn’t it? But, trust me, in the story of 1932 he’s been working up to this for a while now :)  

1932: Pride and Prejudice Revisited
by Karen M Cox

Book Description: 

 “…do anything rather than marry without affection.” —Pride and Prejudice 

During the upheaval of the Great Depression, Elizabeth Bennet’s life is torn asunder. Her family’s relocation from the bustle of the big city to a quiet family farm has changed her future, and now, she must build a new life in rural Meryton, Kentucky. 

William Darcy suffered family turmoil of his own, but he has settled into a peaceful life at Pemberley, the largest farm in the county. Single, rich, and seemingly content, he remains aloof—immune to any woman’s charms. 

Until Elizabeth Bennet moves to town. 

As Darcy begins to yearn for something he knows is missing, Elizabeth’s circumstances become more dire. Can the two put aside their pride and prejudices long enough to find their way to each other? 

1932, Karen M Cox’s award-winning debut novel, is a matchless variation on Jane Austen’s classic tale. 

Winner of the Bronze Independent Publishers Book Award in Romance, 2011

Buy: Amazon
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FTC Disclaimer: Link to Amazon. I am an Amazon Associate. Should you purchase a copy of the book through the link provided, I will receive a small commission. Thanks!

Praise for 1932:

“…1932 is a truly fresh take on this timeless tale.”

“ of my favourite Pride & Prejudice inspired novels.” - Babblings of a Bookworm

About the Author

Karen M Cox is an award-winning author of five novels accented with history and romance, a novella, and several short stories.

Karen was born in Everett WA, the daughter of a United States Air Force Officer. She had a nomadic childhood, with stints in North Dakota, Tennessee, and New York State before settling in her family’s home state of Kentucky at age eleven. She lives in a quiet town with her husband and works as a pediatric speech pathologist.

If you would like periodic bits of authorly goodness delivered to your inbox, be sure to get Karen’s News and Muse Letter. Updates, sales, book recommendations, etc. are yours for the asking. 

Connect with Karen M Cox

Blog Tour Schedule

Feb 25 So Little Time... You're here! 

* * * GIVEAWAY * * *

It's giveaway time! To celebrate the 10th-anniversary edition of 1932, Karen is giving away a signed copy of the book and some Jane Austen swag: fun notecards from The Quill Ink, What Would Jane Do? book of quotes, and Austen coffee mug (if US winner
an ebook copy of the book and 25$ Amazon Gift Card (if International Winner - cause #shipping :) 

To enter the giveaway click on this KingSumo link

Good luck! 

Thank you, Karen, for being a guest here at So Little Time..., and congratulations on the re-release of your book, 1932! I loved it the first time I read it many years ago! I still have that original copy!

So, friends, what did you think? Wasn't that a lovely and romantic excerpt! Don't forget to click on the link above to go to the giveaway!  


  1. Love reading that snippet once again. There really were some great emotional moments in this book.

    1. Thanks for stopping in, Sophia! This was one of my favorite scenes to write—maybe ever ;)

  2. I’m coming! Oh wasn’t he talking to me? Phew! How hot was that? I love the descriptions in this excerpt as I love the book!
    Thank you for sharing I’m looking forward to getting this version to do my next reread.

    1. lol - he's talking to each one of us, Glynis! I hope you enjoy the new version.

  3. That scene... swoon worthy. [Fans self]

    1. Thanks, Christina! Darcy has his moments, doesn't he?

  4. I have yet to pick up my new print copy, but am enjoying the blog tour. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Absolutely loved this excerpt. Cannot wait to read this book.

  6. I have read the book and enjoyed every moment. I could feel the warm air in the summer, see her garden, and be in the loft with them. Karen is a re-again author.

  7. It makes me so happy when readers enjoy 1932 - thanks for commenting :)
