Monday, August 19, 2024

"Thwarted" by MJ Stratton Blog Tour ~ Excerpt & Giveaway!

 Hello Friends! I'm so excited to have MJ Stratton is visiting the blog today! Her new book, Thwarted looks terrific! You can find an excerpt below. Also, there's a giveaway going on. 

A Darcy & Elizabeth 
By MJ Stratton

About the Book 

     Mr. Darcy is unmarriageable. Every time he shows any interest in a lady, be it casual or serious, the lady disappears or has disaster befall her. Soon, society spreads gossip that he is cursed, and mamas and daughters alike shun his company.
     Some unknown nemesis keeps the rumors alive, and soon, he suspects he will never find happiness until he discovers who wants him ruined.       
     In Meryton, a humbled Mr. Darcy finds himself drawn to a local beauty. Ever cautious that the villain behind his misfortune is watching, he takes great pains to keep his courtship a secret. He disguises his intentions by showing equal attention to all the ladies and being amiable to everyone. When an old enemy arrives in Meryton unexpectedly, Darcy is instantly wary and works even harder to keep his relationship with Elizabeth from being widely known. Will he ever be free to marry and love her openly, or is his love doomed to be thwarted?       

Thwarted can be considered far-fetched, but it was fun to write, nonetheless.

     Lord and Lady Matlock took advantage of the first break in weather to come north. They planned to break their journey at Pemberley for a few days before proceeding to their estate, where they would remain until it was time to return to London for Parliament. Unfortunately, his Aunt Tilda did not bring any good news.
      “The rumors have taken on a life of their own,” she told him sadly. “You have heard, of course, that the gossips say you are not just unmarriageable but also cursed. They have said that any woman to whom you grant attention is bound to meet an unsavory fate. And now, they are saying you are a new Henry the Eighth! No one dares to test whether they shall become the next condemned Anne Boleyn or the next favored Catherine Parr.”
      “That is utterly ridiculous!” Darcy cried in anger. “I have had nothing to do with the current state of each lady in question. All I did was try to court them.”
      “Yes,” his aunt said defensively. “I am only telling you what is being circulated. I do not think you will find any lady amongst the jewels of the ton now.”
      “Will you not consider Anne and have done with it?” his uncle asked.
      “Lady Catherine would be pleased,” Aunt Tilda agreed, nodding. “It is an ideal solution to your situation, for you will still have a well-dowered bride of the first circles.”
      “Absolutely not,” Darcy barked. “I have made my position on the matter clear. Does Aunt Catherine know aught of these rumors?” He laughed mirthlessly. “I would imagine she dislikes the idea of having me as a son-in-law now. She would declare me unsuitable for her daughter and the grandeur of Rosings Park.”
      Uncle Hugh remarked with a hearty laugh, “I think Catherine would overlook a great deal to see Pemberley and Rosings joined.”
      “She would, it seems, be the only one willing to do so,” Darcy snapped. “Is she spreading the rumors, then? Perhaps this is all one big plot to ensure I do her bidding.”
      “I have already looked into the source of the rumors,” his uncle protested. “Catherine swears it was not her, and I believe it. Further investigation has traced the tales to three gentlemen. The reports say they are of the same height and build, though with distinct features. A Runner reported one man had red hair and a bulbous nose. Another says he had brown hair and blue eyes. A third claims the man was blond. Jones, one investigator, says he was unable to learn more but speculates that the three men are the same person.”
      “That would make it a conspiracy,” Darcy said in disbelief. “It is to rather hard to stomach. What have I done to deserve such machinations being turned against me?”
      “The only conclusion on which the runners have agreed is that it appears someone does not want you to secure a bride in London,” Uncle Hugh revealed.
      Darcy groaned and took a long drink from his glass. The entire business had gone from bad to worse! What he would give to have done with it all.
      “Enough of this talk,” his aunt interrupted. “I have found a companion for Georgiana if she meets with your approval. Her name is Mrs. Agatha Younge. She is a respectable widow with excellent references and is a gifted pianist. She will help Georgiana further her skills before we select a master for her.”
      Finally, some good news. “Did you extend the offer to her?” Darcy asked.
      “I did,” she replied. “Mrs. Younge is to travel here in late February or early March if the roads are impassable.”
      “As always, I trust your judgment,” Darcy said, bowing his head to his aunt. Lady Matlock smiled in reply.
      His aunt and uncle stayed a whole week before departing for their estate. He was glad of the company, so isolated he had been at Pemberley since his and Georgiana’s arrival. Invitations had been nonexistent, and even Georgiana had remarked on her brother’s unusual amount of time spent at home in the evenings. Darcy felt lighter after they left, though the great mystery of the London rumors occasionally bothered him. He tried to put the entire thing from his mind, believing, as his aunt did, that the longer he was from Town, the quicker the rumors would die down. He would wait to hear from her before attempting to return.
Who do you think is causing all Darcy’s problems?

 About the Author

MJ Stratton is a long-time lover of Jane Austen and her works, having been introduced to Pride and Prejudice by a much-beloved aunt at the age of sixteen. The subsequent discovery of Austenesque fiction sealed her fate. After beta reading and editing for others for nearly a decade, MJ started publishing her own work in 2022. MJ balances being a wife and mother with writing, gardening, sewing, and many other favorite pastimes. She lives with her husband and four children in the small, rural town where she grew up.

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* * * GIVEAWAY * * *

It's giveaway time! During this blog tour MJ Stratton is giving away 2 eCopies of Thwarted - Enter through the Rafflecopter below.

Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Many thanks to MJ Stratton for stopping by today! 

So friends, what are your thoughts? Returning to Ms Stratton's question; Who do you think is causing all Darcy’s problems?

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