For those of you who don't know, Bloggiesta is a time when bloggers come together (online, of course!), and work on their blogs. There are mini-challenges and tweet chats that you can participate in that will help you with some behind the scenes maintenance, or just encourage you to get those blog projects done that you have been procrastinating! For more details click here.
My plan this weekend is to do the mini-challenge I wanted to do last time but didn't. Plus, get a few other things done.
Here's my list:
- How to Create an Image Map by A Lovely Bookshelf on the Wall (from the mini-Bloggiesta in January) Didn't do this. I couldn't get my mind to focus on it. (see below for full explanation)
How to Tackle Google+ by Amanda Shofner (I totally need this!)- Write two reviews.
- Check out the other mini-challenges - I'll let you know if I do any of them!
Participate in two of the twitter chats. I only participated in one twitter chat.Comment on other Bloggiesta participants blogs. I don't have a count, but I did get to more than a few.Update my blog roll.Make social media icon buttons.I followed this youtube video by Blogaholic Designs
That's what I have so far. I'm not sure how much time I will actually have this weekend, but hopefully I can get a lot done! I'll update my progress as I get done.
Thank you to @SueySays and those who are hosting a mini-challenge! You are awesome!
Want to join us? Hop over to Bloggiesta and sign up!
Here's an update to my weekend: Unfortunately, I didn't get as much done as I hoped. I had a few unexpected surprises that got in the way of the productive Bloggiesta that I had hope to have.
Thursday started out well and I was able to attend Amanda's How to tackle Google + hangout video, which was very good. I also visited and commented on a few Bloggiesta participants blog posts.
Friday didn't go so well, after spending three hours at the hair salon where my hair-dresser put way too many highlights in and now my hair is too blond (not what I wanted), I came home, fixed dinner and started to work on my blog stuff. That's when I experienced my first earthquake. Ever. Starting with one foreshock, then an hour later with a nice 5.1 earthquake that lasted about 20 seconds, with many aftershocks that spread into Saturday night. (I also felt one Sunday morning.) Needless to say it was a nerve-racking weekend for me, and I spent more time watching the news and learning about earthquake preparedness than working on blog stuff. But I did manage to get a few things done (see list above)! I really like the social media buttons I added!
I also had unexpected company when my daughter came for a visit. That's always nice!
I hope you all had a better weekend!
Here's an update to my weekend: Unfortunately, I didn't get as much done as I hoped. I had a few unexpected surprises that got in the way of the productive Bloggiesta that I had hope to have.
Thursday started out well and I was able to attend Amanda's How to tackle Google + hangout video, which was very good. I also visited and commented on a few Bloggiesta participants blog posts.
Friday didn't go so well, after spending three hours at the hair salon where my hair-dresser put way too many highlights in and now my hair is too blond (not what I wanted), I came home, fixed dinner and started to work on my blog stuff. That's when I experienced my first earthquake. Ever. Starting with one foreshock, then an hour later with a nice 5.1 earthquake that lasted about 20 seconds, with many aftershocks that spread into Saturday night. (I also felt one Sunday morning.) Needless to say it was a nerve-racking weekend for me, and I spent more time watching the news and learning about earthquake preparedness than working on blog stuff. But I did manage to get a few things done (see list above)! I really like the social media buttons I added!
I also had unexpected company when my daughter came for a visit. That's always nice!
I hope you all had a better weekend!