Hey, Everyone! Today, I would like to welcome Zoe Burton to So little time...! She has a new book out, Promises Kept, and she's here to tell us about it and give us a little taste with an excerpt! Plus, she's giving away a copy of her new book! Details about the giveaway are below!
Thanks so much for having me today, Candy! I’m excited that I have the opportunity to talk about my new book! :D
“Promises Kept” came about because the characters from my first book, “I Promise To…,” would not let me go, and also because I got so many requests for a sequel. Since I did love the characters and their story, I went ahead and wrote more about them. When I posted on the forums, prior to publishing, I got requests for a third volume! For now, that is not a priority, but I won’t rule it out for the future. ☺
You might wonder if you need to read “I Promise To…” to understand “Promises Kept” and the answer to that is no. It is a stand-alone book in which I have explained what happened in the first one. That being said, if you want more actual detail, you can read “I Promise To…” ;)
You might also wonder about the characters in my book. Lizzy is 16 when she marries Fitzwilliam Darcy, who is barely 21. She turns 17 in “Promises Kept” though I did not show her birthday. Fitzwilliam Darcy’s father, named George Darcy in my book, is alive and well (mostly), and Georgiana is around 12. The Fitzwilliam family is slightly altered in that the Colonel is still a Lieutenant, as he is also younger than canon. There are villains aplenty. Caroline Bingley and George Wickham make an appearance, as does Lord Regis from “I Promise To…” and several catty women of the ton out to destroy Our Dear Girl.
What I wanted to show in this book is how Elizabeth goes from being fearful after her assault by Lord Regis to being the self-assured young woman we know from the original Pride & Prejudice. I think I did that, and I hope readers agree. What I think I unintentionally did was address the issue of bullying. There are several examples of it in this story as well as examples of responses to it. The clear message is that being a bully is not acceptable, and Elizabeth’s path back to herself is, in my opinion, a realistic example of what happens when one has gone through a traumatic event. Elizabeth’s relationship with her Fitzwilliam is a sweet one. I love his devotion to her and the way she teases him. ☺ And even though there are hints at their activities, I always leave my readers to use their imaginations as to what goes on in their private times.
Now that I have described my book, here is an excerpt for you to try. I hope you like it!
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Finally, the night of the party arrived. As the family, minus Georgiana, who ate in the nursery that night, stood in the foyer ready to greet their guests, Elizabeth nervously smoothed out her skirt. Noticing the sign of anxiety, Mr. Darcy and Fitzwilliam both gave her words of encouragement. When words did not seem to help, Fitzwilliam decided she needed to relax a bit. Excusing them, he drew her into a nearby room, shutting and locking the door behind them before kissing her senseless. When he finally felt her lean bonelessly into him, he slowed the caress of his lips before drawing away. The sight of her half-lidded eyes and slightly swollen lips made him smile, and he asked, “How are you feeling?”
“Wonderful,” Elizabeth breathed.
Chuckling, he replied, “Then let’s get you out there before the effect wears off.” And so he led her back out to the receiving line in time to greet the Matlock party.
Lady Matlock examined the pair with narrowed eyes. “What have the two of you been doing?”
“I took my wife into the other room for a few minutes. She was anxious and needed to relax. Her hair is not mussed, and neither is her gown. She is happy and at ease.”
“Hmph,” his aunt replied. “Anyone with eyes will guess how you relaxed her. You really should be more careful about these things, but since your father was aware of what was happening, I suppose nothing I can say will make a difference.”
Her nephew only smiled and bowed, his hand settled against the small of the blushing Elizabeth’s back, where his thumb rubbed up and down.
As Lord and Lady Matlock joined the receiving line, the first of the guests began to enter the house. Smiling graciously and glad that her husband had distracted her from her concerns, Elizabeth was able to greet each visitor with confidence. She curtseyed and smiled, asked after family members, and received comments and the inevitable subtle criticisms with grace.
The dinner itself went well. The staff did the family, especially the young mistress, proud. Every course was timed perfectly and served at the correct temperature. Sharp-eyed footmen made sure wine glasses remained full at all times, and the hosts kept the conversation flowing. It was only after the ladies retired to the drawing room that cracks began to show in the harmony of the gathering.
Not long after Elizabeth led the ladies into the room, a young woman approached her with a pinched look and her nose in the air.
“Mrs. Darcy.” The two curtseyed to each other.
“Miss Pennywhistle, how good of you and your family to attend our little soiree.” Elizabeth smiled at her guest, though every warning gong in her head was sounding. She was sure this young lady was going to try to discompose her.
“I spoke recently with my close friend, Lady Penelope Mays…perhaps you remember her?” At Elizabeths’ nod, she continued, “I must say I agree with her estimation of you. You do not belong. I believe I will join her in her quest to remove you from our society.”
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Book Blurb:
This "Pride and Prejudice" novel variation follows Fitzwilliam and Elizabeth Darcy through the first year of their marriage. Arranged by his father in the I Promise To… novella, their union saved Elizabeth from a persistent, abusive suitor. The couple has known each other for years and quickly come to realize their love for each other. However, not everyone is happy with the marriage, and trouble comes quickly upon them. Dealing with jealous ladies and scornful gentlemen in London as well as illness and injury at Pemberley, they grow together as a couple while Elizabeth regains the confidence she has lost.
Promises Kept is available at Amazon
, and will soon be on Nook and Kobo, as well.
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* * * GIVEAWAY * * *
It's giveaway time!! Zoe is generously giving away one e-copy (Kindle only) of Promises Kept to one lucky winner! To enter, just fill in the Rafflecopter below and leave a comment!
Thank you, Zoe!
- One person will win an e-copy (Kindle format only) of Promises Kept.
- Open Internationally.
- Last day to enter: August 18, 2015, midnight PDT.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Many thanks to Zoe Burton for being a guest on So little time...! It's been a pleasure having you here! Congratulations on your new book!
Remember, to enter the giveaway you MUST fill out the Rafflecopter (shown above) and leave a comment below. If you need help entering, email me by clicking on the email icon at the top of the sidebar. Thanks and good luck! :)