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Hello, there! I'm finally getting around to posting my 2020 Reading Challenges page. Even though I haven't created the page doesn't mean I haven't been working on my Challenges. I have.
* * Book links are to Amazon unless otherwise noted. I am an Amazon Associate. Should you purchase a copy of the book through the link provided, I will receive a small commission. Thanks!
This year I'm only working on 4 challenges:
Goodreads Reading Challenge

Austenesque Lovers TBR Challenge

I'm going with Miss Anne Elliot (11-20 books) again this year. I'm going for only 12 this year.
Books Read:
Sanditon by Kate Riordan and Jane Austen
Lady Susan by Jane Austen
Fitzwilliam Darcy, Traitor: A Pride & Prejudice Variation by Jennifer Joy
Live, Love, Longbourn by Jennifer Becton
Taken by Mary Anne Mushatt
Total: 5/12 books
I'm also doing my own Dystopia/Post-Apocalyptic challenge again because I love this genre so much!
I'm only going for 12 books this year.
Books Read:
Storm (The Rain, #2) by Virginia Bergin
Secondborn (Secondborn #1) by Amy A. Bartol
Total: 2/12 books
Books Reviewed (linked to my blog posts)
Eligible by Curtis Sittenfeld
Foul is Fair by Hannah Capin
Sanditon by Jane Austen and Kate Riordan
Lakeshire Park by Megan Walker
Taken by Mary Anne Mushatt - coming soon!
Total: 5/12 books
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