Wednesday, October 9, 2024

"Mr. Bingley: Just as a Gentleman Ought to Be" by Brandon Dragan ~ Blog Tour & Excerpt

Hello, my friends! I'm excited to be part of this book tour, Mr. Bingley: Just as a Gentleman Ought to Be by Brandon Dragan!

I hope you enjoy the excerpt below!

Mr. Bingley: Just as a Gentleman Ought to Be
by Brandon Dragan


For centuries Jane Austen's classic novel, Pride & Prejudice, has been dearly loved the world over. However, few people know the truth about Mr. Darcy's closest friend, the affable Mr. Bingley–who is much more than he appears on first impression.  

Mr. Bingley: Just as a Gentleman Ought to Be is the previously untold story of a young man who unwittingly uncovers an evil cabal among the British Empire's aristocracy. Bingley confronts an enterprise so nefarious that he cannot help but act to redress it, even if it costs him his own reputation and the love of his life, the angelic Miss Jane Bennet. 

Follow Mr. Bingley down a rabbit hole of intrigue and corruption, as he fights to protect the country's most vulnerable alongside friends old and new. Can he set things right before he loses Jane forever?


     Two gentlemen sat across from each other in what would have been at that precise moment, and by no small measure, the most expensive coach in Hertfordshire. Both men were as rich as they were handsome and unattached. The first, his back pressed to the rear of the well-apportioned box, was lean and of greater-than-average height. His dark eyes, straight nose, and square jawline were softened by lips that curved delicately at the corners when he smiled. A tuft of hair the colour of chestnuts wafted across a broad and masculine forehead. This man carried himself with an air of confidence which was nearly as intimidating as it was attractive. The second man was an affable and lively man and also tall—though not as noticeably so as his friend. This one’s untamed and sandy-coloured curls matched with a winning smile to naturally draw the eye and may have had the unavoidable effect of masking a deceptively sturdy build. In the current moment, the second man found his naturally amiable disposition tested by his prudent friend’s calculated line of questioning.

     “Darcy, for the life of me I cannot understand your constant aversion to all things quaint and charming.”

     “And I cannot understand your insistence on taking a country home that will not suit you as a settled, permanent estate, particularly in a county such as Hertfordshire.”

     Bingley sighed heavily and glanced out the carriage window. “The choice of an estate is an axial task for the future of my family, and great care must be exercised in its selection. I would be immensely regretful in my later life, had I made the selection of a heritable estate based upon youth and imprudence.”

     “You may be young, Bingley, but you are certainly not imprudent,” Darcy answered him.

     “I am well aware that the two may, in fact, be intimately connected.”

     “Be that as it may, I still say I am not persuaded by your selection of this particular location. Certainly, the society cannot be much… refined.”

     “I have heard, my dear man, that this county is home to some of the most splendid beauties in the whole of England—”

     “And so that is your design in settling here—to find yourself a bride among the unconnected and bucolic ladies of the countryside?”

     “Design! Nonsense, how can you talk so? However, I’ve always felt kindness and charm as particularly attractive qualities, and country girls are quite celebrated for both. Design! My aim at present, is to find a place where I may settle comfortably for a time, and the distance from here to town is not nearly as great an imposition as it is to Derbyshire. You must remember, Darcy, my father may have left me a fortune, but he did not leave me Pemberley. Thus, I feel it is my familial duty to make a sober and fully informed selection when I decide upon a permanent estate.”

     Darcy only shifted in his seat and turned his gaze out the window.

     “In addition, Netherfield has been vacant for some time, and if it lives up to its billing I may endeavour, with your aid of course, to achieve quite a bargain on its price.”

     “A cheap house and pretty girls,” Darcy summed up his friend’s motivations such.

     “An appealing price for a country home where I may,” Bingley shifted in his own seat, a strained smile quickly fading from his lips, “take refuge from the…demands of my business. And while the girls are not my specific cause for taking the place, there is the possibility that I may very well fall in love with one of them.”

     “I might dare to predict it so much as a likelihood.”

     “And you would censure me for falling in love?”

     “Of course not. However, I would hold you to account if you were less scrupulous in the choice of a bride than you were in the selection of a family estate.”

     The two friends locked eyes momentarily before turning their respective gazes out their respective windows as the carriage rumbled forward over bumpy country roads.

     “Well, I thank you, yet again, for coming from town to see the place with me.”

     “You need not thank me. It is my pleasure to accompany you.”

     The carriage pulled round a bend and from Bingley’s seat the house came into view. “Oh, there it is—and what a fine prospect!”

     Darcy turned and looked out the glass on Bingley’s side. He had not expected to be affected in such a positive manner by the home’s appearance, but he was genuinely pleased by it on first sight. “Very fine, indeed.” Bingley looked quickly to Darcy’s face to measure his friend’s sincerity. He was rather pleased that Darcy seemed to genuinely admire the place, and for this reason his unparalleled smile appeared.

About the Author 

Brandon Dragan is an attorney in Tennessee and winner of the American Bar Association Journal's 2021 Ross Writing Contest. His writing draws on a wide array of influences from modern novelists such as Cormac McCarthy and Richard Yates to classic writers like Fyodor Dostoevsky and Jane Austen. He enjoys a good cigar, road cycling, and is an avid supporter of the Arsenal Football Club. Connect with Brandon via his website and social media.

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Many thanks to Christina Boyd for organizing and including me in this book tour. 

So, friends, what are your thoughts? I love the thought of Mr. Bingley involved in a solving a mystery! There is more to the man than I thought! 


  1. Thanks for sharing this excerpt. I enjoyed the book. Hope you do too.

    1. Thanks, Christina! Happy to share! It's on my Kindle now!

  2. Thank you so much for having me on the blog!

    1. It was my pleasure, Brandon! Congratulations on the release of "Mr. Bingley"!


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