Winter by Marissa Meyer
Publication Date: November 10th, 2015
Publisher: Feiwel and Friends
Pages: 824
Received: Purchased my own copy.
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
I was so excited to read Winter, at the same time I wasn’t in a hurry to read it because I knew it was the end of one of my favorite series, The Lunar Chronicles. It was bittersweet, knowing the series was coming to an end, but as the same time, I couldn’t wait to see how it was going to end!
I love these characters, Cinder, Prince Kai, Iko, Scarlet, Wolf, Cress, and Thorne! Now with the addition of Winter and Jacin, there's more to love! But at the same time, there's almost too much going on - too many characters to follow. And at 800+ pages it’s also the longest book in the Lunar Chronicles series.
I had hoped to reread this first three books of the series before reading Winter because it had been so long since I had read them, but didn’t, instead I jump right in! The first hundred pages or so we touch base with all the characters to see where they’re at in the story. That part was a little slow for me, but soon after the action begins. It’s non-stop excitement, as Cinder and the gang travel to Lunar and try to defeat evil Queen Levana!
I loved the fairy-tale aspect of the story, and the Star Wars-y feel! Did Thorne remind anyone else of Han Solo?
If you’ve not had the pleasure of reading The Lunar Chronicles, I’d suggest you do so quickly! This futuristic, fairy-tale is awesome! With a continuing storyline, the series starts with Cinder, and the story keeps building, adding new characters with each book; ending with an exciting conclusion in Winter!
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Marissa Meyer's Website
While I was on Marissa Meyer's blog I noticed she's currently giving away a set of signed copies of The Lunar Chronicles! This link will take you there!
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