Wednesday, January 17, 2018

What Are You Reading? ~ January 17, 2018

* * Post contains affiliate links. * *

What are you Reading?  Let me know what your current read is, what you recently finish reading, and what you plan on reading next! 

Here's my list:

I'm currently reading The Edge of Everything by Jeff Giles. It's good so far, but I'm only about a quarter through. I got this in a YA Quarterly book subscription box. I'm not sure if I would have picked it out for myself. 

I recently finished rereading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling. I was so into it that I would steal every moment I could to read it. So much so that I didn't want to stop to put this post together last week! LOL! I also had major withdraws for a couple of days after I finished it. I was sad that it was over and cranky, especially the day after, and I had no desire to read anything else for a few days. Have you ever experience book withdraw before? 

A few days later, I did pick up and finish Harry Potter and the Cursed Child by John Tiffany, Jack Thorne, and J.K Rowling.  It was good, but not the same.

What's next? I'm not sure. I'm thinking about reading Conceit and Concealment by Abigail Reynolds. I've been pulling books I want to read in 2018 off my shelves and making a physical TBR pile. I still need to put together my 2018 read challenge page and set up new progress bars on the sidebar, but I know what I want to get done this year ...I think! Lol! 

Disclaimer: Links to Amazon. I am an Amazon Associate. Should you purchase a copy of the book through the link provided, I will receive a small commission. Thanks!

I'm linking up with This Week In Books hosted by Lipsyy Lost & Found.

And with Sam @ Taking on a World of Words

So, tell me, what are you reading? 


  1. Oh yes, book hangover after a good book/series is a real thing. My family give me a little space when I tell them I have it. LOL
    Neat, that your subscription box book turned out to be great and one you would have never took up. I liked that about the Mystery Book of the Month club I was in years ago that helped me find authors and books I wouldn't have on my own.

    I want to read Abigail's book at some point, too. Rooting you on with your book reading plan for the year.

    I'm reading KA Tucker's new romantic suspense, Keep Her Safe and listening to Nora Roberts' Year One.

    1. Hey, Sophia Rose! I've had what I call a book hangover from staying up too late reading, but it's not often I felt this way from just finishing a book or series. And it's not the first time I've read Harry Potter! Although, it was only my second reading, and sometimes I feel like you read it differently the second time. See things you missed the first time.

      Thanks! I'm slowly getting my challenges together. I've signed up for your Austen Reading Challenge and the Goodreads one. Still have some more work to do! It seems like I'm dragging my feet this year!

      I hope you enjoy your books! Keep Her Safe looks great! I entered the giveaway on Goodreads for it! -- fingers crossed!


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