Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Letter from Ramsgate Blog Tour ~ Guest Post with Suzan Lauder, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Hello, Friends! I'm so excited to be part of the Letter from Ramsgate Blog Tour! This stop has a fun twist! Suzan Lauder is interviewing me! Please, feel free to join the conversation by adding your opinions to the questions in the comments! 

Oh, and details for the giveaway are at the bottom of this post! 

Suzan Lauder: I’m honoured to participate in this special guest post on So Little Time…, with blogger/reviewer Candy Morton, as a prelude to an excerpt from my newest Pride and Prejudice variation, Letter from Ramsgate. I hope you’re ready, Candy!

Candy Morton: As ready as I'll ever be!

SL: So Candy, are you an angst lover when you read Austen-inspired fan fiction novels or do you prefer sweet, straightforward romances?

CM: I used to prefer sweet, straightforward romances, but I've grown into a mid-angst person. There are still some scenarios that are difficult for me to read.

SL: What areas of conflict do you find most difficult to read? (Go wide on this one: certain types of violence? splitting D&E seemingly irreparably?)  

CM: Rape. That is very difficult to read. Let’s see, I can't imagine Darcy being abusive, but that would hard. (I probably wouldn't read that scenario.)  Another would be when either Darcy or Elizabeth marries someone else. I also don't like if either has a child with someone else. 

SL: You know, if someone had asked me the same question, I’d have answered the same way. I love angst, but those are difficult scenarios to read. What’s a tolerable level of angst in a story for you?

CM: Mid-level angst. There needs to be some action or conflict. Elizabeth and Darcy have to rely on each other, maybe in a dangerous situation or a forced marriage scenario. In both cases, after spending so much time together, misunderstandings are resolved, and they realize how much they love each other! 

SL: What's worse in a Pride and Prejudice variation: an alternate love interest for Darcy or for Elizabeth?

CM: Oh, my! That's almost equal for me! 

SL: Do you think it's more or less tolerable if the alternate love interest is a likeable character? 

CM: I don't believe that it matters. I have a book sitting on my shelf that has Darcy with Jane, and I love Jane, but I can't bring myself to read it! Even though, I know Darcy will end up with Elizabeth. (I'm assuming they end up together! Lol!)

SL: Does it matter if the variation has pulled out the worst traits of the character romantically tied to them (that is, Darcy or Elizabeth)?

CM: I'm not sure. To me, Darcy always needs to be a loyal, honest person; he may slip a little (be human), and Elizabeth needs to be witty, smart, honest, but not conforming to the silly whims of society.

SL: Can you tolerate the anxiety if you know there's going to be a happy ending for Our Dear Couple? How much does it matter?

CM: Yes, I could tolerate it, but if it's too angsty for me, I try to rush through it. A happy ending for Elizabeth and Darcy matters a great deal. I don't think I could read a variation if they don't end up together. Elizabeth and Darcy happily together is a must.

SL: Well, fortunately, you get that happy ending with Letter from Ramsgate, but **spoiler alert** you may find yourself in a bit of a rush for a few chapters. Don’t worry, though. I think you’ll be pleased with how things start and end even if I’ve put some dramatic tension in the middle.

CM: Thanks for the warning! Now I have a question. What’s the setting for today’s excerpt?

SL: Today’s excerpt comes from a longer scene later in the novel. Elizabeth is attending a London soirée with new character Lady Edwina, and they’re in conversation with several other young women, including Miss Smart. Elizabeth has not seen Mr. Darcy for three months—not since Mr. Wickham and Lydia eloped together.


 Miss Smart tapped her fan against Elizabeth’s arm, drawing
her attention to a couple who had just entered the room.

“My word—look who has arrived!” She pointed her fan in the direction of a tall, sandy-haired man leaning heavily on a cane and the blonde beauty on his arm. “The Earl of Westhaven and his sister, Lady Amelia. I heard he was back in England. Now that he has shown himself as a fixture at a public function, he is bound to be considered the catch of the Season. A pity about his injury, but I doubt it will hold back any interest in matrimony!”

“He was injured?”

“Yes, he was involved in a skirmish in the East Indies. Many were killed, and he lost part of a foot. It is quite the romantic tale. My word, look at everyone rush to make their acquaintance. Westhaven is high in their interest, and no doubt, anyone who wishes attention this Season will cling to his circle.”

“His sister is quite beautiful. I am sure she will have her share of suitors as well.”

“Do not concern yourself with any competition for matrimony there, my dear. There is no secret where Lady Amelia is concerned; she is as good as engaged to Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy. Of course, it was rumoured he had jilted her after she spent half the summer at Pemberley. He left halfway through their stay! But it is a good match. My mama says the families want it and predicts they will be  betrothed this Season.”

Elizabeth froze and strained to hide her dismay over this revelation as she observed the captivating brother and sister. Their comfortable smiles and relaxed manners were welcomed by all who approached them, and nothing but agreeable countenances could be seen in their presence. Lady Amelia was exquisite with golden tresses tied in a turban embroidered with gold threads and trimmed with roses and herbs. 

“The flowers must be from a hothouse,” said Miss Smart.

Lady Amelia’s face filled with delight. She released her brother’s arm and stepped towards a tall man with broad shoulders and curly dark hair who had just come in. His back was towards her as he bowed to his host and hostess. When he turned towards the room, Lady Amelia claimed his arm with familiar enthusiasm. The instant her hand rested upon Mr. Darcy’s arm, his eyes connected with Elizabeth’s.

The recognition that flashed in his eyes was unmistakable. His eyes almost consumed her, and hot embarrassment spread across her face and down her neck. Though she wore her best ball gown, it now seemed like a plain rag compared to that of the lady on his arm.


Letter from Ramsgate by Suzan Lauder 

Book Blurb: 

Sir, I am not known to you. I fear you may have concerns regarding some intelligence that recently came to me from your sister... 

...a simple letter shatters illusions and turns the world upside down! 

On holiday in Ramsgate, Elizabeth Bennet befriends shy, romantic Georgiana Darcy, who shares an adoring description of an ideal elder brother. When Georgiana discloses a secret infatuation with her brother’s “close friend” Mr. Wickham, Elizabeth’s altered perception of both men affects her actions and alliances. 

The secret within an anonymous letter from Ramsgate ties Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth together but also separates them. A second missive unlocks the disguise, but Mr. Darcy realizes his true passions too late to assist Elizabeth in her darkest hour. Will the shocking disclosure of a forgotten letter transform his understanding of her heart and lead them to embrace their future? 

Letter from Ramsgate is a Pride and Prejudice variation suitable for most audiences (youth and up).

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Meet the Author: Suzan Lauder

A love for Jane Austen’s novels and Regency and
Austenesque romance novels inspired Suzan Lauder to write her own variations, which led her to a passion for Regency-era history and costuming, as well as social media book marketing. She cherishes the many friends she’s made as a result of these interests.

Suzan is a member of JASNA, VIRA, RWA (PAN and Beau Monde chapters), and is a registered professional engineer. She enjoys independent travel, design, Pilates, yoga, cycling, sustainability, upcycling, architecture, beta editing, and blogging. Most of the time, a Vancouver Island penthouse loft condominium with a view of the Salish Sea is home. For a few months each winter, Mr. Suze and their two rescue cats accompany her to their tiny Spanish colonial casita in Centro Historico of an industrial city in Mexico.

Letter from Ramsgate is Lauder’s second published novel and comes on the heels of her successful upcycled costuming blog series, the Thrift Shop Regency Costume Experiment. Her latest venture is blogging about her learning experiences while editing Letter from Ramsgate. Suzan’s first novel, Alias Thomas Bennet, is an Austen-inspired Regency romance with a mystery twist. She also contributed a short modern romance, Delivery Boy, to the holiday anthology Then Comes Winter. All Lauder’s published fiction is based on Pride and Prejudice and is available from Meryton Press.

Connect with Suzan Lauder

Blog Tour Schedule: 

10/17   Guest Post, Excerpt, GA; My Jane Austen Book Club
10/18   Excerpt, GA; Margie’s Must Reads
10/19   Vignette, GA;  Just Jane 1813
10/20   Review; From Pemberley to Milton
10/21   Vignette, GA; Babblings of a Bookworm
10/22   Excerpt, GA; Liz’s Reading Life
10/23   Guest Post or Vignette, GA; From Pemberley to Milton
10/24   Review; Tomorrow is Another Day
10/25   Guest Post, Excerpt, GA;  So little time…
10/26   Vignette, GA; Austenesque Reviews
10/27   Review, Excerpt; Half Agony, Half Hope
10/28   Review; Diary of an Eccentric
10/30   Guest Post or Vignette, GA; More Agreeably Engaged

* * * GIVEAWAY * * * 

It's giveaway time! Meryton Press is generously giving away EIGHT copies of Letter from Ramsgate! To enter, fill out the Rafflecopter below! 

Good luck!

Terms and Conditions:

Readers may enter the drawing by tweeting once a day and daily commenting on a blog post that has a giveaway attached for the tour. (Review posts are not part of the giveaways). Entrants must provide the name of the blog where they commented (which will be verified). If an entrant does not do so, that entry will be disqualified. 

Tweet and comment once daily to earn extra entries. 

A winner may win ONLY 1 (ONE) copy of Letter from Ramsgate by Suzan Lauder. Each winner will be randomly selected by Rafflecopter and paperback or ebook format will randomly be selected for each winner as well. 

**NOTE: Paperback copies are ONLY available for continental US winners! Ebook copies are available for ALL winners, including international winners! If more international winners are randomly chosen than the 4 allotted ebooks, then that will decrease the number of paperbacks. 8 books will be given away to 8 different winners.**

Many thanks to Janet Talyor @ More Agreeably Engaged for organizing this blog tour! And to Meryton Press, for its generous giveaway!

My special thanks to Suzan for making this a unique post for me! It was a pleasure to work with you on this! And congratulations on the release of Letter from Ramsgate! Btw, I love the cover!

So, dear friends, how much angst do YOU prefer? Please, join in on the conversation! 

Thursday, October 20, 2016

The Many Lives of Fitzwilliam Darcy Blog Tour ~ Excerpt & Giveaway ~ Plus, Bonus Giveaway Winner Announced!

Hello, Friends! So, I'm the last stop of The Many Lives of Fitzwilliam Darcy Blog Tour! I hope you have enjoyed it! I'm definitely adding The Many Lives of Fitzwilliam Darcy to my ever growing TBR pile!

Be sure to read down to the bottom of the page! You'll find the Rafflecopter to enter the giveaway! There are EIGHT copies of The Many Lives of Fitzwilliam Darcy up for grabs! Plus, the winner of The Many Faces of Fitzwilliam Darcy is announced! Woot!

Hello Readers, thanks for following us to this final stop on our blog tour! What a lovely time it’s been. We’d like to give a huge thanks to So Little Time... for being a part of it! To give you all a setup for this excerpt, we find Mr. Darcy at the end of his rope, drowning his troubles and conversing with an interesting character he’s met in the Tavern.  We hope you enjoy! 


The tavern was a dark, blessedly cool relief. He ordered a bottle of brandy and took the same seat he had taken the last time he had gone there. The barman brought the brandy, the bread, and cheese. Acton Standish dozed in the corner of the room. Lady Sheep-eater sat beside him, looking at Darcy with interest.

Here we are again, he thought, watching as Eleanor Wray rose from her seat and approached him.

“Pardon me, sir?”

“What do you want?” He took a swallow of brandy, inhaling sharply as it burned a path through him.

“I am sorry. I ought not have disturbed you, but I fear I am in the most dreadful predicament.”

“’Ere now! Don’t be bothering this fine gent!” the tavern keeper shouted, emerging from his place behind the bar. Darcy waved him off.

“Quite alright. Let this lady have a seat and explain her dreadful predicament.” His voice dripped with sarcasm. He saw the shift behind her eyes as he spoke, the understanding that he was not some bosky fool ripe for plucking. She sat anyway. He pushed the food towards her. She took a piece of bread and nibbled. Darcy took another drink.

“Forgive the impertinence, sir. My name is Lady Eleanor Wray of Devonshire.”

“Perhaps it is, perhaps it is not.” He smiled indulgently. “Tell me then, lady, what part have you to play in this hell, this unfolding horror I find myself in?” Her eyes widened at his strange speech but soon a sly smile stole over her handsome face.

“Hell, sir? Per’aps I’ve been sent to you by Providence to guide you back to calmer waters.”

Darcy snorted a laugh into his brandy. “A siren dragging me under the water more like. I have read Homer. I know no good can come of it.”
He stared into his glass for a moment, deep in thought. “Perhaps you were put on my path for a reason.”

“Oh, the man hears reason! Are you not afraid I will…what was it? Pull you down into the deep?”
He raised his glass in a salute, a sardonic smile gracing his handsome face. “Nay, I am confident that you will, madam, given half the chance.”

The sly smile appeared again. Darcy sighed and removed his purse, throwing it on the table in front of her. She paused, a bit of bread still in her hand. A predatory light gleamed in her exotic eyes.

“Take it, Lady Brimstone,” he said, voice dripping with sarcasm. “Much good it will do you.”

Her delicate brows rose at the moniker. “And what service might you expect in return?”

“Only that you depart, take your companion, and leave me in peace. That is every bit of coin I brought with me down to the last farthing. It is enough money for a woman as clever as yourself to get quite far. Money matters not to me, only this bottle and my solitude.”

“You wish to trap me? So that you might tell the constable I made off with your purse? I might be a thief, but I’m an honest thief.”

Darcy laughed. He hailed the barman, who quickly approached him. “You want me to throw this one out, sir?”

“No, my good man, I only wish for you to act as witness. I am Fitzwilliam Darcy, nephew of Lady Catherine de Bourgh, mistress of Rosings Park.”

“Sir!” The barman made a clumsy bow. “I am honored!”

Darcy nodded impatiently. “Yes, yes. I wish you to witness I am giving Lady Eleanor Wray of Devonshire this item, containing fifty pounds, six shillings, and a twopence. I give it of my own free will and under no stipulation other than she leave this place with that fellow dozing in the corner and not return.”

The barman’s mouth opened. “Mr. Darcy, sir, are you quite certain?” He eyed Eleanor suspiciously. She seemed to be enjoying the spectacle.

“I am sure,” Darcy said calmly. “Please send a bill round to Rosings for this bottle of brandy and I shall see that you are compensated from Her Ladyship’s own stock. It is only English, I am afraid, but good quality nonetheless.” 

“Very well, sir,” the barman said reluctantly. He eyed Eleanor. “You heard him! Take your prize and wait for the next coach outside my establishment!”

Eleanor nodded, regal as a duchess. She made the purse disappear in a thrice, her reticule now bulging. Instead of going to rouse her partner and depart as requested, she held out her hand, palm up.

“If you like, I shall read your palm before I go. My bună, my grandmama—” she corrected herself quickly “—she taught me the art of it. Would you like to know your future, sir?”

Darcy threw his head back and laughed openly. It felt a very fine joke.

“Indeed I would like.” He placed his own hand in her waiting one. She took it, pulling his arm so that his palm rested inches from her nose. Her gloved fingers kneaded the small mound of flesh at the base of his thumb. Darcy did not protest as he rather enjoyed the sensation. Eleanor stared into his palm, her strange eyes losing focus. After a moment, she began to sway slightly. Darcy raised his brow but remained otherwise motionless.

Then, suddenly, she dropped his hand, so quickly his knuckles rapped against the wooden table. She shivered, looking up at him.

“You poor sod,” she said, her voice distant, as though she were speaking from another room. “You’ve got miles to go before you’re home.”

Wordlessly, he removed his ruby signet ring and placed it in her hand, knowing full well it would be on his finger when he woke the next morning. An empty gesture for an empty fortune. 

“Go, Lady Brimstone,” he said gently. “Do not come back.” She shook her head, her eyes clearing.

“I must say, you are rather a surprise, Mr. Darcy,” she said as she stood, her gaze clearly admiring. “I should have enjoyed pulling you to the depths.”

He raised his glass in salute. “Of that, madam, I have no doubt.”

The Many Lives of Fitzwilliam Darcy by Beau North & Brooke West 

Publication Date: September 16th, 2016 
Publisher: Beau North 
Pages: 242 

“He could no longer claim to be Fitzwilliam Darcy of Derbyshire, brother to Georgiana, master of Pemberley. In that moment, he was but a man. A man filled with more frustration than most souls could bear. A man torn asunder by his desperation, his fruitless dreams and desires.” 

After Elizabeth Bennet rejects his marriage proposal, Fitzwilliam Darcy finds himself in the most unusual of circumstances. At first believing the extraordinary turn of events has granted him an inexplicable boon, he is eager to put the humiliating proposal behind him. 

He soon discovers that he is trapped in the same waking dream with no end in sight and no possible escape. All that he holds dear—his name, his home, his love—remains ever out of reach. How will he find his way back to his normal life? Will one mistake haunt the rest of his days? It will take all of his fortitude to weather the storms of his strange new fate, and all of his courage to grasp the promise of his future.

Buy: Amazon • B&N
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About the Authors

Beau North is the author of Longbourn’s Songbird and a contributor to the anthology Then Comes Winter. Beau is a native southerner who now calls Portland, Oregon home with her husband and two cats. She attended the University of South Carolina where she began a lifelong obsession with Literature. In her spare time, Beau is the brains behind Rhymes With Nerdy, a pop culture podcast and website, and a contributor at the San Francisco Book Review.

Connect with Beau North

Brooke West is a contributing author to the anthology Then Comes Winter. Brooke has a naturally creative soul that pulls her into myriad artistic endeavors.  While writing fiction always has been her life's passion, Brooke also finds joy in silversmithing, sculpting, and costuming. Between projects, she runs and practices yoga.  She lives in South Carolina with her husband, son, and three cats.  

Connect with Brooke West

Here is the list of blogs on this tour. If you missed one you might want to go back and check it out!

October 8/ My Jane Austen Book Club/Launch Post & Giveaway

October 9/ Just Jane 1813/Interview with Beau and Brooke

October 10/ Pemberley to Milton/Book Review & Giveaway

October 12/ Austenesque Reviews/ Excerpt & Giveaway
October 13/ Margie's Must Reads/ Book Review & Giveaway
October 14/ Babblings of a Bookworm/ Book Review & Giveaway
October 15/ The Calico Critic/Excerpt & Giveaway
October 16/ Obsessed with Mr. Darcy/ Guest Post
October 17/ Diary of an Eccentric/Book Review & Giveaway
October 18/ My Kids Led Me Back to Pride and Prejudice/ Book Review & Giveaway
October 19/ More Agreeably Engaged/ Fitzwilliam Vignette
October 20/ So Little Time... / Excerpt & Giveaway

* * * Blog Tour GIVEAWAY! * * * 

Today is the last day to enter the giveaway! Beau North and Brooke West are giving away EIGHT copies of their book, which includes FOUR eBooks and FOUR paperback copies. To win a paperback copy, the winners must have a U.S. mailing address. To enter, just fill out the Rafflecopter below.

Good luck!!

Many thanks to Claudine Pepe @ Just Jane 1813 for organizing this Blog Tour! And a big thanks to Beau and Brooke for their generous giveaway! 


It's my privilege to announce the winner of The Many Faces of Fitzwilliam Darcy contest! 

Drum roll, please! 

The winner is Priscilla Teh!!

Woot! Woot! Congratulations!! {{throws confetti}}

Thanks so much to ALL who participated! You made this contest a fun experience! 


So, what'd you think of the excerpt? Did your heart drop when Darcy gave away his signet ring?? Mine did!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

What Are You Reading? ~ October 19, 2016

What are you Reading?  Let me know what your current read is, what you recently finish reading, and what you plan on reading next! 

Here's my list: 

I'm just starting This Savage Song by Victoria Schwab. So, I don't have much to report. I'm hoping this is going to be good! 

No progress on A Clash of Kings by George R.R. Martin this week. 

I finished reading The Forgetting by Sharon Cameron and loved it! I thought it was a little slow at the beginning, but about a quarter of the way through I was hooked! I couldn't put it down, and it stayed with me for a couple of days after I finished it. Love it when a book does that to me! 

What's next? I think I'll start Ethan's Heart by Vickie King. I received this western romance from NetGalley.  

Book title links are to Goodreads.

I'm linking up with This Week In Books hosted by Lipsyy Lost & Found.

And with Sam @ Taking on a World of Words

So, tell me, what are you reading? 

Monday, October 17, 2016

My Lady Jane by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, & Jodi Meadows ~ My Review

My Lady Jane by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, & Jodi Meadows 

Publication Date: June 7th, 2016 

Publisher: Harper Teen 
Pages: 491 
Received: Purchased my own copy. 
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars 

Book Blurb:

The comical, fantastical, romantical, (not) entirely true story of Lady Jane Grey. In My Lady Jane, coauthors Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows have created a one-of-a-kind fantasy in the tradition of The Princess Bride, featuring a reluctant king, an even more reluctant queen, a noble steed, and only a passing resemblance to actual history—because sometimes history needs a little help. 

At sixteen, Lady Jane Grey is about to be married off to a stranger and caught up in a conspiracy to rob her cousin, King Edward, of his throne. But those trifling problems aren’t for Jane to worry about. Jane is about to become the Queen of England.

My favorite kind of stories are “What if” stories. You know, if you stopped a story at a certain point and changed it a little and the story goes off in a different direction. So, My Lady Jane is like that. Authors Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows took a few liberties and revised history a little to bring us this humorous, exciting and adventurous tale!

We all know the story of King Henry the Eighth, married six times, and father of Mary, Elizabeth, and Edward. And after his death, Edward became king at age nine and unfortunately died at the age of 16 and then his cousin Lady Jane Grey became Queen for nine days before she lost her head and Mary became Queen. But what if there were people, during that time in history, that had the ability to change into an animal? That could change things a bit, don't you think? ;)

Edward and Jane have always wanted to be an Edian; a person who can transform into an animal. (Edwards father King Henry VIII could turn into a lion!) Try as they might, they showed no sign of the ability. Not everyone loves the Edians as much as Edward and Jane. There were a few Verities (people who could not change) who did not care for them and didn’t want them around.

As the story begins, Edward is dying, and he needs to name a successor to his crown. His sister Mary hated Edians and would band them, and Edward didn’t know how Elizabeth felt about them. But he was aware that Jane loved them and would protect them. So, he named Jane his successor and arranged for her to marry Gifford Dudley.

Jane doesn’t want to get married. Ever. And if she had to marry someone, she hoped to marry Edward because at least they were friends. But Edward is dying, and he has asked her to marry Gifford. What she doesn’t know, is that her new husband is a horse! 

Soon, Jane is Queen, and Mary’s troops are marching into London to take the throne. What will Jane do? 

My Lady Jane was so much fun to read! I loved the Edian twist to it! I also loved the way the narrators would talk to the reader, and the modern metaphors used throughout the story! Plus, the excitement and adventures they had trying to take the kingdom back! Throw in a couple of sweet romances, and you have a wonderful story! 

My favorite characters: Edward, Jane, Gifford, Gracie, and Gran.

5 stars!

Buy: Amazon • B&N
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FTC Disclaimer: Link to Amazon. I am an Amazon Associate. Should you purchase a copy of the book through the link provided, I will receive a small commission. Thanks!

You can find the authors on My Lady Jane website!

Any thoughts? I'd love to hear from you!
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